How Katya from “Chamomile” helps increase Open Rate

Provoking, enliven or how Katya from “Chamomile” helps increase Open Rate

Earlier we have already written about the importance of highlighting in a separate segment of the audience, which does not open your letters and about communications aimed at its reactivation. However, we talked about one-time communications. This article is about system communication, which aims to motivate your customers to read your newsletter again. Here it is necessary to warn that there will always be those who read you will not, whatever you do.

Our goal

We do not want to return those who have not bought anything for a long time, no. For now, we only need to motivate the opening and reading of our letters. This is the main task! We will fulfill it-we will be engaged in purchase or visit.

Intrigue and provoke

If your email communications program provides a special newsletter for “inactive” customers who do not make purchases, schedule one of the emails for those who do not “read ” your emails and try to prepare letters for them, the main purpose of which will be-to interest the client to open this letter. Make sure to set up AV testing, because it is important to understand and analyze what works with your customers.

For example, you have planned a newsletter with a promotional offer “-50% on all blue bags” for “inactive” customers. The same subject of the letter needs to be pursued more for “not reading” ones. Let’s add intrigue: “Blue and leather-half price” or “Two blue for the price of one.” Moreover, we can add a fact about the recipient: “Until you read our newsletter, the blue bags are almost disassembled!”

In general, it is very good to experiment with atypical, provocative mailings on “unreadable” clients, and to apply the received knowledge base in other segments of buyers. Because it is not going to get any worse.


Or pre-header – the text that is visible to the client immediately after the topic in the section “Incoming”. Pre-header and theme-expanse for the copywriter and a chance to interest the client to read the letter.

Consider the examples:

1. Subject :” Your last word? Blue!

Pre-header: “Until 14.05 for half the price»

Here and intrigue, and the promise of material interest. However, to understand the essence of the proposal, the letter must be opened.

2. Theme: “Blue bag for half price-choose any until 14.05»

Pre-header: “Promotion Code 4321»

In this case, on the contrary, we reveal all the cards. The theme and the subtitle reveal the essence and conditions of our offer.

Which of these letters will work more effectively – test. Usually more effective is the letter-intrigue, but someone will like the specifics more, starting with the topic.

30 characters rule

If most of your customers read email from smartphones, use the 30 character rule. That is how much will fit in the subject of the letter and the same amount – in the pre-title.

In General, the 30-character rule works well for those customers who read your emails from laptop screens. This is because short, but succinct formulations always give a greater Open Rate-without reference to the device from which the mail is viewed.

Katya from “Chamomile” helps open letters

Talking about “the Sender” – in this field, instead of the name of the store or company, provided the name, for example, a Manager Katya from “Chamomile”. Try to test this technique with “unreadable” clients. It humanizes the brand and looks unusual for the buyer. For some of them it will be enough to read the letter. But keep in mind that initially your client expects a useful informative newsletter from ” Chamomile “, not Katya, so do not change the name of the company to the name of the Manager for good. Let there be a few such letters, the mailing on behalf of the company should prevail.

Email quest for “unreadable” customers

Try to test the technique, which is to motivate the consumer to open several consecutive letters. Offer the product at half price, for example, and the code to receive such a discount report in parts in separate letters every couple of days. This motivates the customer to start opening your emails. Use this occasion to regain interest in your company. Place the next part of the code at the end of the letter. And start, for example, with news, new products-everything that the consumer would be interested to know.

Optimizing costs

It is logical to assume that “unreadable” customers bring very little income. Therefore, it is unprofitable to prepare and send emails personally. It is necessary to set up an automatic communication system, which provides for sending the next letter only after there is no reaction to the previous one.

For example, such a system of letters may be as follows:

1 email – “Why don’t you read us?”- A survey to find out why the client has ceased to be active.

2-4 emails-news letters or promotional offers with the name of the Manager in the “Sender” field.

5-7 emails-promotional offers or news letters with a provocative topic.

8-11 emails – the quest-letters.

12-14 emails-news letters with a provocative topic.

15 email – ” Why don’t you read us?”(run the cycle again).

Do not forget about the client’s exit from this closed cycle. If one of the emails was opened, such clients should move to another segment, where your task will be to consolidate the effect. Otherwise, the consumer will stop reading your newsletter again.

Hurray! It worked!

The client has read your letter. What do we do about it now?

Let’s go back to the beginning, where we define that “non – readers” are customers who do not read our newsletter, for example, 180 days. By our actions we have forced him to read our email. However, he must not read again what had stopped him six months ago. We want him to be interested in our newsletter and continue to buy our products. Therefore, we need to find out through a direct communication channel what led to the fact that the client stopped opening our letters. And when we find out – we need to fix communications.

“Does not read” does not mean that “does not buy”!

The client can remain an “active” buyer, but is not interested in your newsletter.

In such a situation, we understand that he is satisfied with the goods and service – and this is good. But we can have no influence on his buying behavior: neither on his average check, nor on the frequency of purchases, nor on what he puts in his basket. With such clients, you can try other channels of communication.

It is because of the existence of such behavior of customers, we advise to distribute those who “do not read” to “buy” and “do not buy”. The communication system, which is discussed in the article should be applied only to the second.

If customers “do not read”, but “buy” – you also need to change the situation, but this is not a priority. Try with them SMS and Viber-mailing, it will help to develop them as “active” customers, increasing profits, which in General is more significant than the values of Open Rate.


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