We invite you to lunch or Continue to develop “active” customers

We invite you to lunch or Continue to develop “active” customers

In a previous article, we wrote that the development of already “active” clients is a process of endless construction, testing, and scaling of hypotheses. And considered one theory, the purpose of which was to increase the frequency of purchases, for example, a restaurant. Recall that we have increased the profitability of the customers who come to us for Breakfast. Our communications were aimed at increasing the frequency of visits to our customers in the morning.

And why not invite our “morning” customers to us at another time? Why don’t they come to our house for lunch or dinner? And with family, can you come? Or with a group of friends? Look at how many possible options for the development of just one group of guests-those who regularly have Break, fast with us. Start over.

Which of the development options to choose?

Since it will not be possible to develop guests in all directions at once, you need to choose the most potentially productive. But how? You can use your knowledge of the market, and if there is a history of visits to the target, segment-they will find the best answer. I remind you, we are only talking about a group of guests who visit our restaurant in the morning so that we will analyze their stories.

1. First, we need to select all the customers who regularly have Breakfast and came to us at least once at other times of the day, but less often than in the morning. The last criterion is important because guests who, for example, more frequently go in the evening than in the morning should not get into our database – after all, it will be already not “morning” clients, and it is necessary to develop them in the opposite direction.

2. We selected a database of 1000 guests who, during the last month, had Breakfast with us 4+ times and came at other times of the day 1-4 times. Let’s make a table with their visits after 12.00.

Visits period – Visits per month – Total




3. As a result of the analysis of this table, we see that our “morning” clients visit us more often in the interval from 12.00 to 15.00. This is determined by our primary hypothesis – all our “morning” guests are more likely to come to us from 12.00 to 15.00 than at other times. We will develop this indicator. The second potential hypothesis for development is evening visits from 18.00 to 21.00. But this is a secondary task; we will take it up later.

Building communications

Our communications with the “morning” customers segment will include a sequence of three letters, where each will have its hypothesis about what can motivate our customers to come to us for lunch. And according to tradition, we will leave special personal offers for the last time.

Letter 1. And what business Lunches we have! Mmm

It is necessary to tell you about the fact that we have lunches, not only breakfasts. What is included in the lunch menu, how much it costs – write it in the first letter. We are waiting for the result for a week, watching the behavior of our segment. With the onset of the eighth day, we already know who from our target segment we had lunch, we remove them from further communication. We continue to work with others.

Letter 2. We have your favorite dish!

It may happen that some of our customers do not like business Lunches, choosing their favorite dishes from the menu. For them, we write a second letter-about individual dishes that they may like. To do this, we analyze the history of the composition of their checks. As a result of this work, someone will receive a letter with a beautiful photo of the steak and its description, someone will offer pasta, and the third will lure mushroom soup-puree. Well, there will be a group of customers who we will not be able to determine the taste preferences. You can send them a letter with, for example, three completely different dishes and track, in addition to visiting, also the recipient’s clicks on the message. The result of this mailing we are also waiting for a week, and by analogy with the first letter, exclude those who came to us, continuing to work with the rest.

Letter 3. We have a special offer

It is important to understand that our task is not to deliver to us a client for lunch at any cost, even once, and develop the habit of dining with us. Therefore, we prescribe a minimum of three visits to us in the conditions of the action.

• “We give a 20% discount on visiting our restaurant from 12.00 to 15.00 for three days.”

* “Only a week-50% discount on every third lunch from 12.00 to 15.00”.

We can not predict which of these proposals will bring more results in the future by forming a model of guest behavior, so we test both proposals. Break the base into three parts: 45%+45%+10%, where 10% is the control group. We send letters, observe behavior, analyze efficiency: what has changed in the first target segment, how many guests performed the target action, and as a result of which letter, as well as how much profit all the work brought.

Important: at the stage of sending the third letter, it makes sense to duplicate the message about the personal offer using SMS or messenger. Why weren’t the first two letters copied? In case of such duplication of the first two letters, most customers would see SMS-mailing negatively.

What did it give us?

• First of all, now we know what and how motivates our “morning” guests to come to us and for lunch. In the future, we can standardize and use these mechanics consistently, complementing and improving. We will also set up trigger communication for future customers who will only have Breakfast at the beginning.

• Next, we need to continue to observe the guests who started dining with us as a result of our letters. After a while, some will continue to eat with their regularity – they are our actual positive result. And the rest can come a few more times, and that’s all. Perhaps they react only to stocks, and it is important not to work at a loss.

• Well, we continue to build and test assumptions with those who did not come. We offer them different circumstances of visits, analyze in detail the composition of their checks, looking for patterns and ways to use them. But we will tell you about it in the following articles.

We invite you to lunch or Continue to develop “active” customers

In a previous article, we wrote that the development of already “active” clients is a process of endless construction, testing, and scaling of hypotheses. And considered one theory, the purpose of which was to increase the frequency of purchases, for example, a restaurant. Recall that we have increased the profitability of the customers who come to us for Breakfast. Our communications were aimed at increasing the frequency of visits to our customers in the morning.

And why not invite our “morning” customers to us at another time? Why don’t they come to our house for lunch or dinner? And with family, can you come? Or with a group of friends? Look at how many possible options for the development of just one group of guests-those who regularly have Break, fast with us. Start over.

Which of the development options to choose?

Since it will not be possible to develop guests in all directions at once, you need to choose the most potentially productive. But how? You can use your knowledge of the market, and if there is a history of visits to the target, segment-they will find the best answer. I remind you, we are only talking about a group of guests who visit our restaurant in the morning so that we will analyze their stories.

1. First, we need to select all the customers who regularly have Breakfast and came to us at least once at other times of the day, but less often than in the morning. The last criterion is important because guests who, for example, more frequently go in the evening than in the morning should not get into our database – after all, it will be already not “morning” clients, and it is necessary to develop them in the opposite direction.

2. We selected a database of 1000 guests who, during the last month, had Breakfast with us 4+ times and came at other times of the day 1-4 times. Let’s make a table with their visits after 12.00.

Visits period – Visits per month – Total




3. As a result of the analysis of this table, we see that our “morning” clients visit us more often in the interval from 12.00 to 15.00. This is determined by our primary hypothesis – all our “morning” guests are more likely to come to us from 12.00 to 15.00 than at other times. We will develop this indicator. The second potential hypothesis for development is evening visits from 18.00 to 21.00. But this is a secondary task; we will take it up later.

Building communications

Our communications with the “morning” customers segment will include a sequence of three letters, where each will have its hypothesis about what can motivate our customers to come to us for lunch. And according to tradition, we will leave special personal offers for the last time.

Letter 1. And what business Lunches we have! Mmm

It is necessary to tell you about the fact that we have lunches, not only breakfasts. What is included in the lunch menu, how much it costs – write it in the first letter. We are waiting for the result for a week, watching the behavior of our segment. With the onset of the eighth day, we already know who from our target segment we had lunch, we remove them from further communication. We continue to work with others.

Letter 2. We have your favorite dish!

It may happen that some of our customers do not like business Lunches, choosing their favorite dishes from the menu. For them, we write a second letter-about individual dishes that they may like. To do this, we analyze the history of the composition of their checks. As a result of this work, someone will receive a letter with a beautiful photo of the steak and its description, someone will offer pasta, and the third will lure mushroom soup-puree. Well, there will be a group of customers who we will not be able to determine the taste preferences. You can send them a letter with, for example, three completely different dishes and track, in addition to visiting, also the recipient’s clicks on the message. The result of this mailing we are also waiting for a week, and by analogy with the first letter, exclude those who came to us, continuing to work with the rest.

Letter 3. We have a special offer

It is important to understand that our task is not to deliver to us a client for lunch at any cost, even once, and develop the habit of dining with us. Therefore, we prescribe a minimum of three visits to us in the conditions of the action.

• “We give a 20% discount on visiting our restaurant from 12.00 to 15.00 for three days.”

* “Only a week-50% discount on every third lunch from 12.00 to 15.00”.

We can not predict which of these proposals will bring more results in the future by forming a model of guest behavior, so we test both proposals. Break the base into three parts: 45%+45%+10%, where 10% is the control group. We send letters, observe behavior, analyze efficiency: what has changed in the first target segment, how many guests performed the target action, and as a result of which letter, as well as how much profit all the work brought.

Important: at the stage of sending the third letter, it makes sense to duplicate the message about the personal offer using SMS or messenger. Why weren’t the first two letters copied? In case of such duplication of the first two letters, most customers would see SMS-mailing negatively.

What did it give us?

• First of all, now we know what and how motivates our “morning” guests to come to us and for lunch. In the future, we can standardize and use these mechanics consistently, complementing and improving. We will also set up trigger communication for future customers who will only have Breakfast at the beginning.

• Next, we need to continue to observe the guests who started dining with us as a result of our letters. After a while, some will continue to eat with their regularity – they are our actual positive result. And the rest can come a few more times, and that’s all. Perhaps they react only to stocks, and it is important not to work at a loss.

• Well, we continue to build and test assumptions with those who did not come. We offer them different circumstances of visits, analyze in detail the composition of their checks, looking for patterns and ways to use them. But we will tell you about it in the following articles.


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